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visit Spring, Summer, AND Fall!

Singing songs around the campfire

We want to invite you to stop over for a number of hours or days.  We are busy bringing our dreams to life and contributing to our project with your time, money, ideas or energy will make the perch more colorful than it has ever been. Afterall we need people for it to be People’s Perch!

Day Time Guests

  • $20 suggested donation for free climb of water tower
  • $30 suggested donation for belay up the water tower
  • Note:  the historic East Baldwin water tower is on private property and climbing is at your own risk.  All those choosing to play on, climb on, or work on the tower are responsible for their own actions. Additionally, a wavier must be signed by all guests who are climbing.

Overnight Guests

  • A $30 suggested donation or 3hrs of work towards our projects per day in exchange for a night of camping and two meals (or half that if you don’t want us to cook for you). First night is free for cyclists!
  • Other amenities included: 
    • Tent camping on property 
    • Outdoor composting toilet
    • Cold outdoor shower
    • Use of canoe and extra bikes as available
    • Toilet paper and camp fuel 
    • Use of electricity in the house
    • Use of available games and puzzles
    • Free climbing of water tower
Taking the canoe for a trip on the bike trailer!

Fun Activities Guests Can Do To Contribute

  • Garden work: watering, harvesting, weeding
  • Enhancing the grounds: trail work, treehouse building, firewood chopping
  • Volunteering at events, canvassing/advertising for events
  • Preparing food, dishes, cleaning
  • Creative projects: poster making, painting, fabricating installations
  • Fixing bikes, leading bike rides
  • High quality photography or videography
  • And more!